Such a wonderful opportunity to connect to you Lilia.
If I told you my fingers were shaking and my cheeks are wet with tears and the light force within me is screaming words of encouragement, I believe you would already feel that to be true.
How can one express the thirty-year journey to this point and who would believe that such a route even existed? The last two years started in earnest the day I saved another man’s life and in turn saved my own, the hug we shared was the single most connected human moment of my life with every other interaction being a lesson one could only learn.
I’m here to ask for your help, help to validate the numbers and a plan already validated by two of the worlds leading Film Producers, one is a MFA, both MBAs, both accountants and one and international film lawyer.
I’m here to erase the global deficit and bring forth a new era of abundance, one of truth and accountability, one of compassion and empathy, one of moral standing and one of family and loyalty.
I have direct access to the below, a brand-new internet paradigm called ELIZA meaning GODS OATH and Gods Oath is the TRUTH
As you can see we now have the “Servicemark Assignments” of 142 countries including China and Russia and they cover the following……“These two Trademarks have unique Servicemark Registrations assigned to them, providing a unique platform in the issuance “Casinos: via Television Communications Networks and via Internet”. These registrations are unlimited wager by the explicit language of the registrations. The registrations include creating, producing and streaming of Motion Picture, Television Production, Music Production and Publishing. The uniqueness comes in the “Casino Registrations “, Multiple Networks, unlimited games, unlimited wager. In addition, there is design and development of new technologies and applications. The United States International Trademark is the most valued issuance worldwide. The USA has pre-established treaties with most countries making any licensing effortless within the Madrid Protocols in over 140 countries in conjunction with the USPTO. (“United States Patent and Trademark Office”.). Only an International Trademark has this ability. Imagine your own media room that projects a holographic projected game in 3D, Virtual Reality and Artificial Intelligence coded into the game. The games have unlimited wager as each segment of the game completes while playing against the top gamers worldwide for top dollar”
What the above means is that Mr Putin can be at the centre of the new world, a world of abundance and prosperity and world where standards are raised to an acceptable level and world where he steps forward as salvation to the west.
We announce the formation of ELIZA under the Madrid Treaty – 142 countries aligning for humanitarian impact focusing on the well being of The Children of the World.
The first Movie will be GOLIATH an animated story of how the world unites to defeat the algorithms that have converged to create a super algorithm that threatens humanities existence.
In doing so we will then release a number of memes and digital posts supporting the global cause and the digital army coerced into spreading fear will have the “memes” to share positivity, salvation and love.
The first movie will be the greatest humanitarian act of all time.
300m pay per view $7.99
$2397,000,000 raised for humanity in 95mins – streamed into the homes of all who watch via ELIZA the people’s network
X12 (To start one a month)
$28,764,000,000 per year 100% going to humanitarian impact causes
We open THE PEOPLES BANK and under current banking laws we can multiply our deposits by 9
$259,000,000,000 for humanity and innovation that feeds humanities well-being.
Here we go…………
We gift the revenue stream of ELIZA to MOTHER EARTH and she now has the means to take out a loan on behalf of the world she is here to protect.
The loan will cover the global deficit and all out standings notes – estimated at $333 trillion, meaning Russia and China are renumerated for the money invested into America and the billionaires in Davos are still solvent.
If we used the calculations that the centre of the earth is 87% iron and has mass of 1E+23 kilograms then the total value as scrap iron is $21,577,747,612,500,000,000,000.00 or $21.6 sextillion while the total value as laboratory-grade iron is $6,264,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.00 or $6.26 septillion.
Then we can confirm, she’s got the collateral.
THE PEOPLES BANK would hold the collateral and the loan note, thus protecting the world from any form take over and in fact when we expand, I can roll out how we can erase that issue in due course.
We will certainly have a new set of issues that arise from abundance, however rather those than a world trapped into co-dependency by a covert America and chillingly bestowed a slow walked to suicide by Complex PTSD to repay debts and grab at cash to stave off a Nuclear War America will propagate to shatter the reputation of Mr Putin and the East who uphold the standards our world should be guided by.
This is the opportunity the world is desperate for………get me to Reykjavik, the scene of Gorbachev and Reagans nuclear disarmament summit so as to meet Mr Putin and allow me to detail how I will restore his outstanding and how together we break open the seal for The Children of the World
“Gods Oath … Eliza”