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Baroness Kidron


Dear Baroness Kidron


Further to my meeting at the Doughty chambers and my engagement with Sir Peter Wanless at the NSPCC, I am writing to introduce myself and the enclosed work undertaken over the last two years and the trauma those involved have bestowed upon me.


My information is as follow



I have extensive proof and admission of practice at director level and this action falls under a number of very impacting laws and under one's most basic duties of care.


I look forward to expanding upon this with you sincerely 





Damian Langiano

0044 7799881915









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Strange to find Sir Peter Wanless here.........given his lack of engagement regarding device impact upon our children

Dear Baroness, 


I hope this email finds you well, 


I have enclosed Peter Wanless to reduce the to and fro and keep everything out in the open, for those with secrets invariably operate in the paradigm of triangulation and I have a very acute expertise surrounding BPD PTSD and CPTSD and have been expressing my concerns with your Trustee over at the NSPCC.


Quick resume, 20 years in the tech industry, after breaking the Premier League with couture. I've extensive film and media expertise and lead a team that's delivering a humanitarian construct thats returns some 30,000million a year disposable revenue and I hold 142 licenses to stream film, music AI, Tech and gaming under the Madrid treaty. 


I have an OPSWAT platinum grade parental control system and an EBOOK of unequalled insight for parents to hand and when aligned we can deliver a new, pristine and TRUE digital universe and one that revenues and protects for the well-being of our children


Maybe we can ask Mr Wanless why he's stonewalling such a visionary thinking with the security of all children at the forefront of its thinking.


I hold everything at and welcome you to that in depth information regarding the contextual targeting of over 300m children a month, something Mr Wanless has refused to expand upon. 


I look forward to your response 




Damian Langiano










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